Tuesday 31 August 2010

31.08 Friendly Radley v Cumnor Minors (Loss 5-3)

It was our first friendly against the winners of the OMBL U10 single team league. We were missing Adam our keeper, Wills and Matthew who had his mouth hit just before kick off (I wonder how and why?).  We tried to fool all the parents with a fake address for the game but they are better than that. Anyway Matthew get better and thanks for the support! In goal we had Flynns brother Louie.

Famously it was a game of two halves. It was our first game and it almost looked like our 1st game ever. Radley kept attacking and were skipping round us playing hand clapping whilst we watched and enjoyed the show, mesmorised by the intricate angles that they were creating with the ball. They had around seven chances and scored four we crawled up their end once to see a particularly good bout of skipping by their defense. (4-0 half time)

Second half we closed them down largely not allowing their main skipping boys space and did not allow the hand clapping to occur. We were sharper and meaner, the midfield worked harder and did not leave the defense so exposed. When we closed they lost the ball and we passed around them and attacked well. We  had more chances than Radley had in the first half and converted three goals only for our stand in goal keeper to badly fumble with a dreadful mistake and let the side down (not mentioning Louies name - if you didnt know it was Flynns brother the one in black with the yellow bib). We looked the much better side in the second half and this bodes well if we can keep it tight and battle in the league. If we can control and pass like this we will achieve good results.

Thanks Louie for your help - we will ring when we need you!  - Thanks seriously to all ,the most enjoyable outcome and good learning experience - Thanks to Radley a good group of boys and parents.

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